The region southeast of the infamous Ypres Salient, the Ypres Salient of World War I, remained in German hands from the First Battle of Ypres in 1914. After the Second Battle of Ypres, in 1915, the Germans proceeded to build fortified lines parallel behind the front in the Westhoek and?
The signposted Tobacco Cycle Route starts at the National Tobacco Museum and takes you through the tobacco region around Wervik and Zonnebeke. Tobacco plantations colour the landscape. The route takes in the provincial domain De Palingbeek, the Polygoonbos and the Gasthuisbossen. Practical info Description: National Tobacco Museum, Wervik, Zonnebeke, De?
The main theme of this signposted cycle route is the First World War. Starting from Ypres' Grote Markt, the route first leads to the Provincial Domain de Palingbeek, Hill 60 and Hill 62. It then passes through our municipality including a stop at Tyne Cot Cemetery. Further on it goes?
Zonnebeke is an ideal starting point to explore the region by bike. No bike with you? Rent a bike through the following partners: Landlord Street Town Contact Rijwielen Tillo Martin Ommegang Zuid 1 8840 Westrozebeke +32 (0)51 78 04 90 Fietsverhuur Camping Jeugdstation Bolwerkstraat 1 8900 Ieper +32 (0)57 21?
The Gustave Bourgois Mountain Bike Route consists of 3 loops, which together account for 40 km. The route links up with MTB Ypres. The route starts at the sports hall in Beselare. Gustave Bourgois The name refers to Gustave Bourgois, a man who had a great love for sports in?
The First World War set the Westhoek ablaze, but reconstruction proceeded at a rapid speed. Yet not all the scars in the landscape disappeared. The renewed Peace cycling trail lets you explore the former front of World War I on the Ypres Salient. The 45 km route guides you past?
The cycle route introduces you to the monumental heritage of the Battle of Passchendaele. The route starts at the tourist office in Zonnebeke. It crosses the rolling countryside and takes you past several WWI and non-WWWI sites: Tyne Cot Cemetery, Crest Farm, the witch village of Beselare ... Start pedalling?
Dienst Toerisme Zonnebeke
Berten Pilstraat 5/A, 8980 Zonnebeke
T. 0032 (0)51 77 04 41 – [email protected]
BTW BE 0207 432 124
(c) Toerisme Zonnebeke
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