Stories for underway
“Stories for the road” is a series of walking booklets with themed walks that are not signposted, but where a handy brochure helps you on your journey. This walk takes you through a bewitched Beselare and follows a route that passes several POIs. A combination of folklore, architecture and witches gives you a good idea of what witches i n Beselare mean. This walking loop is clearly distinct from the Heksenwandelroute, which focuses on the ‘alleged’ residences of Beselare witches.
The series is a joint initiative of the regional landscapes West Flanders Hills and IJzer and Polder.
Practical info
- Description: Beselare
- Start: Market Square, 8980 Beselare
- Distance: 8 km
- Price: You can obtain the walking brochure from the Tourist Office of Zonnebeke. Cost is €3.00/walk brochure