The main theme of this signposted cycle route is the First World War. Starting from Ypres’ Grote Markt, the route first leads to the Provincial Domain de Palingbeek, Hill 60 and Hill 62. It then passes through our municipality including a stop at Tyne Cot Cemetery. Further on it goes to Langemark, where 3,000 war volunteers including many students and youngsters are buried at the German Soldatenfriedhof. The way back takes you along the Ypres canal and Essex Farm Cemetery, here John McCrae wrote the poem “In Flanders Fields the poppies blow” on 3 May 1915.

Practical info

  • Description: Ypres, de Palingbeek, Hill 50, Hill 62, Tyne Cot Cemetery, Langemark, German Soldatenfriedhof, Ieperleekanaal, Essex Farm Cemetery
  • Start: Ypres Big Market
  • Distance: 44 km
  • Duration: 5 hours
  • Map: This route can be bought from the Tourist Office for €3.00.

Address information

Grote Markt
8900 Ieper

T: 0032 (0)51 77 04 41


  • Zonnebeke
  • Cycling
  • On the move


Peace cycling trail Estimated distance: 7.47 Km
The Legacy cycle route Estimated distance: 7.48 Km
Pioneer cycle route Estimated distance: 7.81 Km